Friday, May 2, 2008

what a perfect day for a softball game... or not

Two Saturdays ago all of the medical schools in the Chicago area and Wisconsin came together at Grant Park to play in a softball tournament. The day was supposed to start at 7:30 am and end around 6 pm. Unfortunately, our day was cut short around 9:30 when Ben slipped on some concrete in his cleats, landed on his arm (well his bum landed on his arm), and broke his radius right through. Below are three pictures that chronicled that day. If you get queasy with broken looking things then don't look at the second picture below. 

Here is a lovely before picture of Ben doing some practice swings. Not too long after this we would be hailing a taxi to zoom us to the Northwestern Memorial Hospital's emergency room. Yay. 

Here is the gnarly looking arm after the fateful fall. Gross huh? I took this picture with my cell phone before they straightened it. I was pretty proud of myself that I didn't: 1) get too scared, 2) vomit, 3) freak out, 4) faint, 5) lose my sense of humor. I was doing a pretty good job of joking and pumping him up for the setting of the bone (fortunately, they made me leave for that part). 

Here is an after picture. We finally got home from the e.r. after 5-ish hours of waiting, pulling, drugging, setting, casting, and all sorts of enjoyable conversation with random people that I had. Ben lucked out and didn't need any surgery. They set it perfectly back in place and now has a cast from his knuckles to a few inches above his elbow. The whole situation could have been a lot worse. Now he soaks up as much help and pity as he can from me - just look at his face in this picture and imagine the torture I am now going through. =) 


Jenny and Al said...

Gross. Sorry, Benny.

Dear Little Dude said...

OH MY GOSH!!!! That picture of ben's arm is AWESOME!!!! Go Ben... atleast it wasn't your right arm, right? We, miss ya'll so much and cant wait to see you in October! Love,

Kristen said...

Oh wow!!! That does not sound fun. Sorry Ben!!

Kristen said...

Oh wow! That does not sound like fun! Sorry Ben!