Friday, May 9, 2008

my typical friday night consists of...

It's 10 pm on Friday night. You might think "hm, why is she on the computer on such a night of the week when everyone is out and about or at least spending time canoodling on a couch?.." Good question. I'm actually sitting in a coffee shop while Ben is studying with Eli, a friend from Loyola, for their finals next week. Luckily, Eli has a wife that I adore that's also hanging out with me. But this is a pretty typical Friday evening for us. Not that we necessarily go to coffee shops all of the time (even though the smell is intoxicating) but we're usually alone or with each other while they're off learning the menstrual cycle (seriously, that's what they're studying right now). 

Krista and me at Caribou Coffee just THRILLED to be here...

1 comment:

Cami and Juan said...

That's hilarious. That's good you have other wives that you can hang out with though. Good for you being social out there in Chicago.