Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Week 3

I can't believe we're already in week three of Charlotte's life. She's definitely starting to grow little by little. She slept for five hours straight last night! I was in heaven! But there are still some things that are tough to get used to (like my sore you know whats). We're starting to figure out her eating routine even though she's definitely starting to eat more now and is as cranky as can be until her tummy is plump full.
we're desperately trying to get her to sit/lay/sleep/chill in anything other than our arms or chest - any suggestions on how to do that?
"what choo lookin' at?!"
these are definitely the first smiles she's ever given me that weren't associated with gas

and falling back to sleep...


Brandon and Jenn said...

She's too cute. Don't worry, eventually your tatas won't be as sore (bad news is that it usually takes about 6 weeks to get to that point). Sleeping anywhere other than someone's arms is tough. I remember eating with Ruby in the baby bjorn. It passes eventually. Enjoy the snuggles while they last. Just in case she's ready, the first place Ruby slept soundly (other than our arms) was in a bouncy seat.

Coleman Family said...

Oh my freakin' goodness! I just want to fly over there right this minute and give her kisses! What a honey Jamie! As far as getting her to sleep without you holding her, the only thing that really worked in the beginning was wrapping them in a baby burrito. As long as they were wrapped up tight they usually slept better.

Emily Kate said...

Have you tried a tight swaddle and a swing or vibrating chair? These are just things I've read obviously. Who knows what our first born will have in store for us! Charlotte is darling! I love hearing how you're adjusting.

Cami and Juan said...

I love the smiles!

Coleman Family said...

That first picture is the cutest by far! Just had to comment again! Love her!

Aaron and Jenny said...

Jamie, she's absolutely adorable! My sister would tell you that the first 6 weeks (approx.) are the toughest and then the routine sets in. Hang in there. You're such a cute family of 3!