Monday, November 1, 2010

eleven months young

Three days ago this little bug turned 11 months old.
She is starting to pick up on some words like "ducky" (while holding her rubber ducky in the bath), "baby" (while man-handling someone smaller than her), and Ben taught her to say her first animal sound. Ssssssss for snake.
She's becoming hard to entertain for a lengthy three hour church session.
I'm starting to understand why I hear mothers say they can't wait for nursery (although I don't want her to grow up).
She's still social... almost too social.
Her favorite toys are books (she'll turn them right side up to 'read' them properly) and dvds.
When she pulls out dvds with a large picture of a person she says "hi" over and over. Just waiting for them to respond. =)
If she puts something in her mouth that isn't supposed to go there she'll wait and push it out onto her tongue for you to grab.
She's the most gigglish (is that a word..?) when you nibble on her chin and poke her chest and armpits.
She's my most bestest girlfriend. ever.

The below video is from a little over a week ago. Charlotte loves to give loves and when someone doesn't respond the way she likes... she gets a little frustrated. James is her little friend who is 7 months old. He wasn't in the mood for hugs and Charlotte got a little ticked. I'm filming and James' mom is holding onto him. We could not stop laughing... even when she got a little violent. =)


Cami and Juan said...

Oh she seems so smart. I can't imagine Amelia saying Ducky or any words in 3 months from now. I'm loving that sweater dress ps, so cute on a little girl.

Coleman Family said...

Ok, that's the funniest thing I've ever seen. I finally got to watch the video at mom's. Can't wait to chase her around the house!

Kristen Sheranian said...

Wow so crazy that she is going to be a year so soon! She looks adorable as usual! Any word on where you are going to be for Residency? Just wondering! Love you!

Maureen said...

This video is hilarious, I had to watch it a couple times. :)