Sunday, October 3, 2010

ten months young

Four days ago was Lotte's ten month birthday. Weird... I keep having to remind myself that it keeps getting better and that I keep falling more and more in love with her otherwise I'd be in some serious mourning. This lucky little girl got to spend her seven month birthday in Disneyland and her ten month in Disneyworld... spoiled already...
We didn't get in to see the doctor for her 9 month appointment until about a week before her 10 month, but here are her stats anyway:
Height: 2'5" (75-80th percentile)
Weight: 19 lbs 4.8 oz (50th percentile)
Head: 17.4" (around 50th percentile)
She's super friendly as always. She reaches for anyone after she studies them for a second. On the monorail at Disneyworld I was sitting next to a ten year old boy that Charlotte insisted on hugging and sitting on his lap. So she did for the last 5 minutes of our ride. She loves kissing herself in the mirror and does her surprised "oh" face when she's happy about anything. She gives really good hugs with her tiny arm around your neck and head on your shoulder. It makes us melt. She has a third tooth on top that's off to the side making her look like a pirate. She dances to any kind of music whether it's The Wizard of Oz or JayZ her booty gets bouncing (video to come).
She's awesome.

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