Thursday, July 22, 2010

Happy 27th Birthday, Ben!

Today is Ben's 27th birthday and he's working in a psych ward... fun! In tribute I've made a list of 27 things you may or may not know about him:

* he sleeps with his mouth open and yet doesn't snore, loves Disneyland as much as me, is legally blind without his glasses/contacts, gets really annoyed/sickened when I put country music on, would love to live in Alaska, would love to live in Hawaii, stinks at flossing yet NEVER gets cavities, rides his bike to school through every type of Chicago weather, grows a beard during the winter for warmth, has lived in the Philippines/India/Ireland (come this spring), has lost 3 out of 5 times when we bet each other during March Madness, keeps score at every Cub's game, makes me pay him a dollar if I call him a name when we argue, loves to cook, makes me bake his birthday cakes from scratch, loves snowshoeing, always sleeps way past his alarm, is uber picky about clothing, wants a border terrier and will name him Herman, named our daughter Charlotte, will go on any scary ride (and has to go with my sister Laura who is the only other one with guts to do it), taught me how to waltz, always orders an appetizer and usually a dessert, could drink Dr. Pepper all day every day, has really long eyelashes and elf ears that our daughter inherited, and will be an OB/GYN in less than a year.
Happy Birthday, Ben! We love you!


Brandon and Jenn said...

Oh, very informative! Happy, happy birthday Ben. I hope J-Dawg's cake is awesome.

Cami and Juan said...

I feel like time is going so quickly for you guys! He doesn't like country music? I feel like he would like it. Well Happy Birthday Ben!

Coleman Family said...

Yay! Happy Birthday Ben, we love you too! Interesting facts Jame...when you come for your next visit I need a homemade cake from scratch too please. ;)

Natalie said...

Happy Birthday Ben! Jamie, you are one lucky girl.

Clemstock said...

Ah Ben, how cute are you? Points given to Jamie for a killer good post. Can Ben beat this post on Jamie's birthday? Time will tell.