Thursday, July 29, 2010

8 months young

*she crawls after you wherever you go in the house
*pulls herself up and cruises along the couch
*after she's up she'll let go to see how long she can stand without tipping over
*hates getting her diaper changed now - she rolls over and screams bloody murder until the second you're done and she's all smiles
*she stares and drools at what you're eating until you give her some
*smiles when you say 'NO!'
*still has zero teeth
*yesterday I happened to flip past Sesame Street and left it on to see if Charlotte would notice. Bert and Ernie came on and she was glued for a minute or two and then went about her business. Then Elmo came on and she looooved him. Here she is watching and eventually pulling up to be right in front of the television when Elmo was on. After his three minute segment she went back to ignoring the t.v. and playing. If she grew up loving Sesame Street, Mister Rogers, Smurfs, Jetsons, Scooby Doo, and the Gummi Bears, I would be one happy mama. Luckily Ben and I have been collecting old school cartoons that we grew up with.


Emily Kate said...

Oh she's such a little dolly! I love that she's 8 mos and no teeth. I'm hoping for that. Addie's already such a handful, I can't imagine her teething! Ha! Love that she was into Sesame Street! Addie JUST started staring at the tv for short bits of time when she's kind of chilled out and I tried out Sesame Street yesterday and she seemed amused. Like you, I'd be thrilled if she watches the shows I grew up with! Love your little cutie pie!

Coleman Family said...

That's a crack up with the Elmo watching! I think babies like his voice. And 8 months? Wow...I can't wait to see her again soon! Love ya!

Laura Conklin said...

oh my crap what a funny kid...i'm guessing you walk all around the house to see if she'll really follow you, so horrible. Can't wait to see the little yota in a few weeks! Have fun in Utah!