Tuesday, August 10, 2010

last of washington shtuff

Here are the last few things I did in Washington before I headed back home last month.
We headed down to Portland for their Saturday Market which took four hours to walk through. It was awesome. As were these animal hats Charlotte tried on.
My favorite was the dinosaur.
We went to the zoo. She was ticked when Laura put her directly in the path of this water.
Emma is at the perfect age where she can carry/play with Charlotte really well and doesn't get tired of it... =)

Lotte looooved watching the fish and sharks swim by. This was definitely the first zoo visit where she paid attention to the animals.

Hanging out with her pal, Grandma. (sorry below picture is blurry)
Swung at parks.

Wore her first pair of sneakers.
My dream house in Port Townsend.
Went kayaking on the Sound... yeah , I'm dang hot... I know.

Went to La Push where the beach was b-e-a-u-t-i-f-u-l.

And of course dropped by Forks.
Hallie and my dad.

Just hanging out in Port Townsend.

Yeah, she's a bright one, eh?! =) Just kidding, she's secretly a genius...
My mom taught Charlotte how to clap on her own... they were practicing here.
THIS (below) was our backyard of our condo. Gorgeous right?! Here the tide is out. Late one night, Laura and I jumped off the end of that dock when the tide was in and it was deep... and freezing... and creepy... and dark... and we loved it. The next day she saw a huge humpback whale 20 yards off the dock... we didn't step foot in that water again.

We all had a great time in Washington. The temperature was always a perfect mid-70's... it was heaven.


Brandon and Jenn said...

So beautiful...makes me want to visit Washington, too. And, btw, your sweet babykins just keeps getting cuter and cuter. Scrumptious!

Coleman Family said...

Too fun! we watched the slide video about 10 times in a row. Hal kept saying, "Again!....again!"

Clemstock said...

Ok freaky story with the whale. That would have done me in. One thing to be unaware of whats in the water, another to see what could have been there the next day. Yikes!!