Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Obama Nation

We are completely surrounded in Obama Nation living here in Chicago - luckily we like the guy. Last week after we voted we found out that we got tickets to his rally downtown. Even though I had to wake up for seminary the next day - we knew we had to go and witness such a historical event. The streets were blocked off and hundreds of thousands of people roamed the streets. It was an amazing sight to see. No violence, but a lot of hugging and crying of complete strangers - I didn't let anyone touch me though.. =)  We took some pictures and video of the rally - if you're interested in seeing them click on the link below to Ben's blog where he's uploaded all of them.
(if you watch the last video on his blog you'll hear a hollering woman yelling at a poor girl sitting on someone's shoulders... the yelling woman was me - caught up in the moment I suppose..)


Natalie said...

So cool, Jamie! I am sooooooooo jealous! Great pics from Ben!!

Cami said...

Did you see Oprah? Haha, she was leaning and crying on a random man's shoulder.

Jamie and Ben said...

Yeah, they kept flashing Oprah on the huge screen - people would start screaming and make everyone else believe that Obama had come up on stage and then be disappointed because it was just Oprah again - Ha!

The Windy City Duo said...

We were there too... it was a really neat moment!