Monday, November 24, 2008


I don't quite know what to say... I mean the book is cheesy so why wouldn't the movie be? I should have expected that. But the music and special effects...? Maybe they'll put more money into the second one... (cross your fingers).


Cami said...

I just figure they will only get better as they go along, the more and more money they make. I liked it, but had very low expectations. The worst acting bits were in the previews, so the acting in the rest of the movie was relatively good.

Brock, Kim, Maddi, Brody, and Maisie said...

Are your kids into the books? I have of my girls finished twilight in a week and is on her way through the next one.

Jamie and Ben said...

I have three girls reading the first one and another is into the third one already. They LOVE it of course.