Sunday, October 9, 2011

some random down time

Learning the ABC's.
Hanging out in our sideyard while the weather is still nice, because when the Chicago winter sets in - we'll all be hibernating.
She loves spotting her name.
"OH! Charleeet!"
And playing some ball.
I wonder what sport she'll play... I can't believe next year she'll be doing little sport's programs =(
And she was SO done having her playtime interrupted by my incessant picture taking.
I promptly put the camera away.
Sassy one, eh?!


Coleman Family said...

That last pic is my fav...she is really good at the "sassy" face!

Caitie said...

aw this makes me miss you guys! xo!

Brandon and Jenn said...

Look at the attitude she's giving you in that last picture-- Love it! Oh, btw, I was referring to you on my blog-- let's run together this summer. I'm up for a 10k or another half marathon. Once you do the 10k you might be surprised that training for a half doesn't feel like much more work. It's just an extra mile longer each week you train. And, fyi Disneyland does a half marathon in September-- I know you love Disneyland. Wouldn't it be fun to run through the park and Angel stadium? Think it over...