Sunday, August 29, 2010

the beehive state

Charlotte and I went to Utah a few weeks ago to visit Ben's family. It was nice to watch her surrounded by so much family that doesn't get to see her very often. She was a peach on the plane rides and met a few new friends that she insisted on hanging out with on their laps and not her Mama's - which was tooootally okay with me!
I stared at those mountains all week long... soaking them in.
Being cuddly and enjoying a book with Auntie Jenna.
Charlotte is pretty friendly. She always wants to be held by strangers and if they don't pay attention to her she'll hit them/stare/pull on their shirt until they do (like on the 'L' train (ew...)). This was the owner of a Thai restaurant we visited. After she was being held... she wasn't so sure she made the best decision... =) Doesn't she look a little worried?
Jumping on the trampoline.
Playing peek-a-boo and hiding in the pillows.

Pooped after a long morning of playing.
We were able to catch up with Alan and Jenny (friends/family) and meet their Maggie. Charlotte had just pinched her so she's a little upset, but is otherwise she's the most chill and contented baby.
Watching cartoons on Grandad's computer.
Okay... so I had our camera on a weird setting and couldn't figure out how to fix it... so these 'action' shots are the best I got with her and her Auntie Caitlin.
Taking naps in the cutest positions.
At the zoo with the whole family.
Sorry, I'm not one of those people that likes taking pictures of animals at a zoo. I may be one of few but really how many elephant pictures can you accumulate right? So I take pictures of people admiring the animals... =)
And the below video is of her adorable giggle while playing with Jack, their dog.
*Thank you, fam, for the visit! It was nice to have you put your lives on hold for a bit to hang out with us! Charlotte loved playing with all of you.


Jenny and Al said...

It was so fun to see you two and eat some yummy Cafe Rio! Little Charlotte is so darn cute!! (Even if she did pinch the Magster.) We miss you and Ben ALL THE TIME.

Becky said...

How darling..........