Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Texas family

This post is dedicated to our family in Texas. We got to spend an entire week hanging out with family and having them get to know Charlotte. I'll post more of our visit to Austin and Houston, but this post is all about the family.
Go Bears!
Charlotte LOVED Aunt Mil. She actually reached towards her which she's never done before. Charlotte was Aunt Mil's "shugah plum" (she's got a sweet southern accent)

Easter with Great Nana (sorry, horrible lighting)
with Uncle Pete
Cousin Hans (who she was telling a story to in this picture)
with Aunt Jenni
she LOVED Cousin Hailey's hair

watching ESPN and Charlotte - now that's talent =)
she was Great Nana's bud - they watched ESPN together (that channel hypnotizes Charlotte)

she took many naps on Great Grandad's lap and his bed

Charlotte didn't even let out a peep when her eyes were covered forever while her and Great Nana enjoyed the heat of Austin

1 comment:

Coleman Family said...

That's so great she's got other family that just loves her so much! Emma got a little jealous at the pictures,"hey, she's OUR baby Charlotte!" hee heee! His grandpa's pictures with Charlotte are just adorable!