Thursday, April 29, 2010

a shout out and update

Happy Birthday, Dad (& Papa)!

Today is also Charlotte's five month birthday... so sad... this little stinker is growing fast, but it honestly just keeps getting better. She's super social which is nice, talks all of the time, 'sings' to country music in the car and grunts with disapproval if Mom listens to thuggish stuff... oops... she has tried all vegetables and loves each and every one except she just tolerates peas. Her sleeping is improving after much sleep training... hallelujah... she just enjoys life. I love her like a 'fat kid loves cake'... that was for you, Laura...
Hangin' out with her Ugly dolls, Puglee and Ox.
Still diggin' the swings - wearing her future camping shirt that says 'time for smore fun' =)
I love the side smirk... gosh what a cute stinker...

Sunday, April 25, 2010

some more Tejas

Here are some more random pics from our Texas trip.
Ya know, she actually hates being tossed in the air... so I don't know why I did it...

She looooves giving big wet kisses... anywhere she can get her little mouth... so beware...

She's been doing this a lot in the past few weeks. She'll be sitting in your lap and look up at you, then look back at whatever she was looking at before, then look up at you again... just to make sure you're still there. Especially if you're talking, then she looks up all of the time. Not always, but many times she'll put her little hand on your cheek.... LOVE it.

I said a curse word and she heard me... just kidding - I think she was singing loudly with her boisterous voice in the car.
Eating a flower of course.

Drooling over another one.

And being completely done with the garden.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

grass + wind + Lotte

Since Lotte was born in the depths of winter in Chicago, her first chance of feeling grass was when we went down to Texas (although the weather here is finally lovely). I think the pictures below do a great job of showing her reaction.

yep, she loved it...
she also loved/loves the wind...

one eyed willy...

our little opera singer...

our little traveler

KNOCK ON WOOD! But Charlotte is an excellent traveler (I probably jinxed myself and she'll flip out next time...) She sleeps most of the way. Here we are on our way to Austin a few weeks ago.
our drinks - diet pepsi, milk, dr. pepper - oh yeah

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Texas family

This post is dedicated to our family in Texas. We got to spend an entire week hanging out with family and having them get to know Charlotte. I'll post more of our visit to Austin and Houston, but this post is all about the family.
Go Bears!
Charlotte LOVED Aunt Mil. She actually reached towards her which she's never done before. Charlotte was Aunt Mil's "shugah plum" (she's got a sweet southern accent)

Easter with Great Nana (sorry, horrible lighting)
with Uncle Pete
Cousin Hans (who she was telling a story to in this picture)
with Aunt Jenni
she LOVED Cousin Hailey's hair

watching ESPN and Charlotte - now that's talent =)
she was Great Nana's bud - they watched ESPN together (that channel hypnotizes Charlotte)

she took many naps on Great Grandad's lap and his bed

Charlotte didn't even let out a peep when her eyes were covered forever while her and Great Nana enjoyed the heat of Austin

more Easter...

I can never pick my favorite picture so I just put a lot on here. We actually spent Easter in Austin (which I'll blog next). Here she dressed up before we left on vacation. Her little Alice in Wonderland dress.

she was in the middle of telling us a very important story here...