Sunday, October 18, 2009

why we'll probably fail at this whole labor thing...

So we went to our first birthing class yesterday. Both of us weren't too excited to go because 1) there was a small list of things I wanted to be covered, and 2) Ben wasn't going to learn much that was new. BUT I signed up so I'd feel prepared and all that jazz. We were not the best students... at all... We kept quoting the movie "Baby Mama" and laughing in the back row (yes, we were those kind of students). When we first got there they gave us a worksheet to fill out our thoughts and feelings about different pregnant words. Some examples are below.

pain - "how much until I can have the drugs" (Jamie)
the pregnant body - "big belly", "sexy mama" (Ben), "praying for zero stretch marks" (Jamie)
labor - "quick please" (Jamie), "hand squeezing" (Ben)
c-section - some gross medical terms that used the words 'pull' and 'overflowing' (Ben) - gross

Then they asked us to share... I think we made up different answers out loud because everyone else definitely didn't write the same stuff as us. I really did try to take it more seriously, but it's hard to be in that kind of mood and then lay down on some mats and think serene thoughts as Ben is rubbing my back and staring at my face. We have one more class next Saturday... hopefully by then we'll mature a little. I just wish I had never seen the movie "Baby Mama" - if you haven't and you're expecting (even if you're not it's flippin' hilarious!) then I would definitely put it down on the list of 'musts' right next to 'What to Expect When You're Expecting'... =)


Coleman Family said...

You are so naughty! No, it would be hard for me too to sit in that class. When I had my friend "doula" (eyes rolling) she was very serious when she came over and talked to us and we kept laughing and ticking her off. Good job on taking the class though. And I'm sorry, but how can you NOT laugh when they tell your husband to stare at your face when they rub your back? Hello?! ;)

kcobb said...

Good for you if you go back...we signed up for a six week class while I was pregnant with Ava and dropped out after the first class...kind of the same experience for us : )