Sunday, August 19, 2012

Thursday, August 16, 2012

day off

Apparently one of my friends "owed" me a day of babysitting. I don't even remember babysitting for her, but I took her up on the offer to watch Charlotte for the day. I would have loved to have planned a date with Ben, but he is so ridiculously busy I'd have to write myself in his schedule a month in advance. I would have loved to have gone out with a friend, but they all have children and this was a NO KIDS day. 

So I ventured out by myself and it was awesome.
I left her around 9:30 and went shopping. all. day. long.
I bought a few old windows from a 1930's recently renovated house for $8 each. Steal.
Then I headed out west toward the cornfields and found some amazing antique stores.
This made me miss my mom and sisters, because antique shopping is what we do best together.
Then I headed to the outlets for some more retail/cothing therapy.

By the time I got back to pick her up it was almost 4:30, and I have to say that I missed her. I wouldn't have wanted to bring her, but I was so happy to go pick the little peach up. I don't think I could handle working and dropping her off everyday. I'd go through some serious Charlotte withdrawals. 
She barely glanced at me as I walked in. Her face was painted like a butterfly, she had dried play-doh on her shirt, and she told me on the way home that "Kara loves me. Yep, she really loves me." (Kara was her sitter, my friend).

I think we both had a dang fine day.

(picture above courtesy of Kara taken at some point today)

Monday, August 13, 2012


1) Charlotte loves the color pink. I believe she reminds me that it is her favorite color at least 5 times a day as if I've never heard that declaration before. Well, now pink is competing with her new found love of brown. Yes, brown. Because brown is the color of chocolate. So, therefore, it is also her favorite color. Now when we color, buy clothes, purchase a treat, it has to be brown. All of her coloring pages we get back from nursery on Sundays have Jesus, a temple, the sun... all brown.

All because of her love of chocolate. She doesn't want a sucker, skittles, or any other neon dyed sugary treat. Just good ol' chocolate.

So this leads me to her understanding and notice of people who have brown skin.
We live in Chicago. CLEARLY we live amongst many races, colors, nationalities, and languages.
Never once has she said anything or asked anything. I've been dreading the day she does in a public setting. Luckily it was at home that she made this realization that not everyone looks like her.

Today we were watching something... can't remember now what it was... and there was one black guy.
She was staring and staring and said, "Hey, mom! He's brown! That man is brown!" 
I was waiting for a question, but none came. She just had this look of surprise and pleasure at seeing someone that was her favorite color.

Then she made a sound as she smiled and had a little glint in her eye, "Mmmmmm..." As if this brown man probably tasted good. Now I'm afraid she's going to go up to a stranger and try to lick him or her to test her hypothesis.

2) A few days ago I was doing her hair and she was sitting on my lap. Her legs were crossed and wiggling. All of a sudden she slapped her leg. I asked why she would do that and she said, 
"They were fighting and they needed to stop."

3) If you make a mistake she clearly calls you out and then says "silly goose." (while giggling)

"Mom, that's not where my baby doll goes! She goes right here you silly goose!"

4) When we are brushing her teeth or hair and she wants us to go slow and soft she'll say, "Do little ones. Like a baby. Not big like a daddy."

5) If I'm mad at her and have an upset face or talk to her sternly she whines and says, "No, Mommy. Be happy. Let me see a happy face. Don't you want to be happy?"

Love her.