Tuesday, November 29, 2011

Charlotte, the two year old

My little tiny is now TWO.
That's right. Two.

How we spent our day:

This morning she woke up at 8:30 (bless her heart).
She ate scrambled eggs, a blueberry muffin, and chocolate milk.
Watched a little Mary Poppins.
Went to the grocery store to get ingredients for her bday cake.
Had a complete meltdown after being taken out of the shopping cart where she was in the little red car that is attached to some shopping carts.
Got so upset that she gagged on her saliva and puked e.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e. in the car and on herself. Remember what she ate for breakfast?... yeah...
Headed into Taco Bell to get sprayed down.
Still headed to the zoo for a few hours.
Came home and took a 2 hour nap (bless her again).
Waited very impatiently for dahdeeee to come home for cake and presents.
Colored and colored and colored while waiting.
Watched Toy Story 3 while waiting.
Talked to every family member on both sides plus skype-ing with Ben's side of the family.
Opened presents and ate a Toy Story alien cake made by yours truly.
Played with toys.
Danced with dahdeee while singing the Beauty and the Beast song.
Went to bed at 9:30!

Man, what a day!

She's still in love with Toy Story so that was the theme I went with. Balloons, wrapping paper, candles, plates, figurines, candy, sign, cake... all Toy Story. It was a lot of fun. Who knows how long this phase will last. Soon she'll be wanting princess and barbie birthdays so I had to take advantage of this stage while it lasts.

More about her and pictures of her party later this week.
For now, I'm pooped.

Monday, November 21, 2011

a conversation with Charlotte

Last week the three of us were able to go to the zoo together before Ben was on call that night. We have a family pass that we used a lot in the summer, but haven't been in a few months. After Charlotte's experience and reaction from this day's visit, I definitely think we'll be going once a week. She's always enjoyed it, but this time was different. She was really really into it and asked so many questions. We were at the polar bear exhibit right when it jumped in the water to eat it's lunch. That was almost a week ago and Charlotte is STILL talking about it:

"Poah bayah jump on the weewee for the fishies!"

Yes, she calls water wee wee. Which I think is hilarious.

On the way home from the zoo she kept saying it over and over so I pulled over to tape her tiny little voice... wanting to remember it for always.

The video is horribly grainy, but her voice is adorable.

*Please notice that she calls me Jamie in the beginning (she does that a lot when she's trying to get my attention). I have to often remind her that I'm mommy and not Jamie to her. She'll smile and call me MommyJamie... whatever.

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

from October to now.. ish

Alrighty, so here it goes:

Every Friday morning Charlotte goes to the library for reading/singing/craft time and LOVES it. At first she was shy around the other kids and librarian but now she enthusiastically gabs, jumps around, and dances. Constantly this kid dances.
Doesn't she look so old in this picture? She's not a huge scribbler. She likes to make meticulous little swirls and zigzags throughout her paper. And might I add that she holds her crayons/pencils/markers properly? Oh yeah preschool - bring it on!
One weekend last month Ben had off so we drove over to Michigan for shakes and antique shops (thank you Ben!)... I was in heaven.
Mi familia? I know just where to take you on your next visit.
Nothing beats a chocolate milkshake.
Why is she acting shy as I try to take her picture before church?
I have no idea.

Okay, at the end of last month my parents flew Charlotte and I out for a few weeks. We aren't coming home for any of the holidays and Ben was suuuuper busy delivering babies for a few weeks so it was the perfect time to jet out for a visit. And can I just say that it rained TWICE. That's it. And when I went in the summer? It rained ONCE. And this is within a 3-4 week period. I just bring the sunshine wherever I travel. =)
My parents have a playroom (oh heaven I hope I have one someday). If we didn't know where this little darling was we would find her in that room playing with a toy castle or having a tea party.
Please read the tiny sign my sister is holding then the above and below pictures would make sense. I LOVE MY FAMILY!
They are all my best friends and I never tire of flying out and spending loads of time going to antique shops, holiday craft fairs (like the one we are at in these pictures), watching movies, making craft after craft after craft and hoping it fits into my 50 lb checked bag, and catching up.
And of course here's Halloween. Ben worked that entire weekend and was on call the night of Halloween so I didn't feel bad not being home for this holiday.
We were pirates. Okay that's a little obvious right? She had the "arrrrgh matey" down pat.
Patiently getting her eye patch painted on by my 'rastafari' sister (see below).
My other sister Carrie hosts a huge Halloween party every year that she goes ALL OUT for. I mean it's ridiculous. and pretty amazing.
Charlotte playing the "i'm too little" card so she can pumpkin bowl close up. Little cheater.
And here is her boyfriend. If these two married... well, let's just say I wouldn't complain.
His name's Cole. And they're in love.
My littlest niece Adison. Scrumdiddlyumptious.
Charlotte loved playing with the big kids. Including putting her arm/face/body into a gross bucket of apples.
We had two Halloween parties we attended, our church's trunk or treat, and then the actual night of trick or treating. Once the morning of November 1st rolled around I was ready to put the Halloween season far behind me!
Chowing down on some pizza before we hit the streets for candy.
Auntie "Whoa-wa" came down to trick or treat with us.

Can I just give my sister Laura a tiny shout out?! She's amazing. She's already the head counselor at the high school she's worked at for only 2 or 3 years. She just found out that she's speaking at the national conference of counselors in St. Paul, Minnesota (which I get to drive up and watch!). This year was her first year as their head volleyball coach. They hadn't been to the playoffs since 1982! Last year they only won 2 games. As her first year as head coach they went to the playoffs and were 8th in districts. 3 of her players were freshman! We were fortunate to make it to 3 tournaments while we were there. Of course my pictures are of her looking rather intense or ticked off coaching (she haaaates to lose...wonder where I got that from...) so I won't post them. But we are so proud of her - CONGRATULATIONS LAURA!

okay back to Halloween...
Proof that I actually am around (Ben, I love you. But you never take pictures of us together... just sayin).
My other sister Carrie with 2/4 of her kids. And my BIL Dave. Who I quite like. Just don't tell him I said that. =)
Doesn't she look so tiny? She definitely got the whole "twick tweat" thing going and the occasional "tank ta" (thank you), but half of the time would gaze longingly into her bag as candy dropped. She was in heaven. Towards the end of the night she was galloping toward each door instead of dawdling along like she did at first.
Here's her cousin Hallie. Hallie is a good sport. She stayed next to Charlotte the entire night; even when all of the other kids ran on ahead. She has the patience of a saint.
(and isn't my daughter's costume amazing? (thanks mom) it also came with a hate which of course I left in the car)
Okay random picture of Charlotte enjoying a train ride at the mall.
For some reason my sister got rid of her double stroller. So we'd double stack em and call it good!
Charlotte turns 2 in 2 weeks (don't even get me started...) so while we were out there we joined Adison's first birthday with Charlotte's second.
The theme was 'state fair'. And of course my sister went all out. Again. Love her.
Her party in Chicago will be Toy Story themed (she's OBSESSED with all things Toy Story) so my mom made her a '2' t-shirt using Toy Story fabric.
Our buddy Theron showed Charlotte how to put on her own jacket and Charlotte thought it was pretty cool. Here she is showing everyone at the party how she does it using her new church coat my mom got her. She puts her arms in and then swings her arms up and back so the jacket swings behind her head and up her arms. Brilliant.
She was very dainty when she ate her first birthday cake.
All of the attention/singing/clapping/late hour made this wee one get a bit shy.
But boy was she ready to blow out her two tiny candles!
She too ate pretty daintily.
Not the greatest or most attractive picture of these two, but boy were they buddies. Here they are snuggling on our last night in Washington watching a movie. I believe it was Gnomeo and Juliet... I just may have to purchase that one.
Okay, minus Adison's attempt at escape, I love this picture. Charlotte loves her 'baka' (for some reason she can't say grandma so that comes out). They are two peas in a pod.
Then there's Emma. She is the FIRST person Charlotte mentions in her prayers under the 'I'm grateful for..' inventory. The FIRST! I'm like... sixth or seventh on the list.

So we finally made it home and Charlotte literally RAN through the terminal right into Ben's arms. I think she missed her daddy. There were 8 babies on our return flight. Eight. Two screamed almost the entire way. Charlotte played with stickers, watched The Lion King, and colored. Not a peep. And I think our return flight marked her 27th flight.

We had tons of fun and made/bought so much Christmas decor that my house is going to look like a flippin winter wonderland. I'll post pics in a week or so. =)

She does this just about every day. We have a bucket filled with her little animals and people. She pulls them all out and talks to them. Then pics her favorite animals and makes them line up. Then she lays on her tummy in front of them and talks to them again.
This morning I got home from my run (Ben wasn't on call until 5pm so he was home) and from a distance saw these two playing in the leaves. It was a perfect sunny and crisp autumn morning.
Don't mind the pjs and white trash hair. It was morning and we weren't quite put together yet.
We cleaned up and headed to the zoo for a few hours before Ben had to go to work.
Remember what I said about her loving all things Toy Story? Look at that shirt. Thank you Auntie 'Cayway".
'Howling' like a wolf.
She may be the cutest wolf I've ever seen.
This girl is a hugger. She hugs anything and anyone. And she adds a "Mmmmmmm" so that you know she means it.
I always thought my sister Laura was weird because she eats her pizza crust first. But Charlotte eats hers top down. As in toppings first, then cheese, then sauce, then the crust... weird.
A little game of leap frog.
I love that she still claps for herself when she thinks she's done something amazing.
Yes, my car is filthy. But it'll be a sad day when I wash it and this little handprint goes away. Good excuse to wait on the washing right?!

Now we've been settling back into our routine and getting ready for the holiday season. I cannot believe that Thanksgiving is already NEXT WEEK! Aaaaaahhh! Love it! We're spending it with our 'family' the McCombs and then having Christmas in Chicago. Luckily the week of New Years Ben has off so we're headed down to Austin to have us a southern partay with his side of the family. We're pumped to see all of them!

Okay, toodleoo!