Friday, May 20, 2011

so long farewell

Today is our last day in Galway. Ben's last day of medical school was yesterday!
He wrote his last reflection for his time working in Ireland and sent it off today.

Now we have TWO WEEKS to travel before we head back home. We'll be going all over the south to every County I think (Cork, Limerick, Kerry, Waterford, Tipperary, Kilkenny, Carlow, Wexford, Kildare, and Wicklow). Then up north to just a few places (Giant's Causeway, Belfast, Counties Down and Armagh). The longest we stay in any county are two days so we'll be on the go go go.

Today we stayed at our apartment getting ready to leave in the morning.
Then we headed to our front yard to play on the beach.

I just may get teary in the morning when we leave.

I'm not sure how much blogging I'll be able to do over the next two weeks since I don't know if where we'll be staying will have internet. If you don't hear from us, then I'll catch ya'll up when we're back in Chicago.

And last night we dropped our camera. I say "we" because Ben was handing it to me and he thought I had it and I thought I had it then WHAM! It fell to the concrete floor. If we could afford to go out and buy a new one we would. Unfortunately our pictures will now have to come from Ben's phone.


Kristen Sheranian said...

Wow congrats to Ben for being done! Have so much fun
together as you go on the rest of your adventure! So sad about your camera. That totally happened to us when we were in Disneyland getting on the teacups. We know how you feel! Thank heavens for phone cameras! Love you!

Coleman Family said...

Poor Lotte's face! At least kids are quick to get over it if you distract them which it sounds like you did. What an amazing experience you've had in Galway - and what a fantastic family you've met! those kinds are friends for life! Have fun during your last 2 weeks! Love you all!

Cami and Juan said...

Time is flying. I know you are soaking up every minute. Too bad about the camera! You need a good camera for Ireland. Maybe it will fix itself, my camera recently did that.