It's been nice not having to post Charlotte's monthly birthdays now that she's over a year, but she's 15 months old. Time to go back to the doctor for a check up and shots. Anytime your birthday is marked by receiving immunizations shots, you deserve a blog post.
She loves to walk around stores alone and not sit in the shopping cart. awesome.
She loves being tossed around and tackled. Well, she likes to tackle you.
She is a fantastic eater and will try pretty much anything. She would be the happiest baby in the world if she got to live off of cheese, milk, peas, peaches, and scrambled eggs. And if you threw an occasional cracker in there she'd be in heaven.
She's darling to put to bed. She folds her little arms to pray, then cuddles while we sing the same song we've sung since she was tiny ("Stay Awake" from Mary Poppins), holds on tight to her Dumbo stuffed animal she got from Disneyland, then lays down and gabs to herself for a minute while you sneak out.
She hates naps anywhere but snuggling with you on a couch (or in the car while you drive). It feels like she's a month old again. We're working on a solution... not that I mind too much taking a nap with her.
Her favorite word (besides hi and yeah) is cracker. Well, she says 'cwacko'. And she calls babies "daydees".
She's very mommy mommy right now which means she has to do (or at least wants to do) everything with me and be sitting on my lap while I do it. Anytime you play with her she grabs her toy or book and then backs into you with her bum until she finds your lap and then plops down.
She runs to Ben when he gets home and when he's gone she'll randomly walk around yelling "Daddy?! Daaaaaddy?!!" until you distract her with something else.
She's very much into equal shares for mommy and daddy. Meaning if she kisses one of us, then she has to kiss the other. If she high-fives or fists-it with one, the other has to get it. If not, then her fist, hand, or lips are waiting until you recognize and give her what she wants.
She's starting to throw tantrums by arching her back when she's upset/frustrated. Sometimes she yells and jabbers at you like she's telling you off. It's hilarious and rather annoying at the same time. =) She's starting to receive time outs.
Whenever any music comes on her bum bounces and she twirls in a circle with one arm out and her head cocked to the side. It doesn't matter if she's listening to Katy Perry or the organ playing a hymn at church.
I could go on and on, but that would incredibly bore many of you so we'll stop there.
We like her a lot. I think we'll keep her.
Below is from a few weeks ago after we got a few feet of snow. I had to plan a lesson I was teaching for church, so Ben took her out and I videotaped a few moments (very bottom).