I don't blog much about being a teacher. Here are a few reasons why: they're 11 years old so they don't exactly say "cute" things very often, I can't post pictures of them (and I hate posting without pics), and I think people would think it's pretty boring. BUT I may have you all know (all six people that check up on my blog) that I
LOVE teaching. And I
LOVE this school year. I have 24 students that all have very different backgrounds and most of them not so good backgrounds. Their home lives are not the most ideal but they try their tooshies off and are pretty dang cute. They're my buds. Last week I was teaching a math lesson on patterns and we were discussing patterns that we see in life. One response that was hilarious and quite thought provoking was as follows:
Me: "What are some patterns that you see in life?"
Student 1: "Well, the circle of life."
Me: "What do you mean by that?"
Student 1: "Things, animals, and people are born, they live, they die. This happens over and over like a pattern or something."
Me: "Have you been watching the Lion King lately?"
Student 1: "I go to church." (said in a very flat/"duh" tone)