Thursday, April 10, 2014

8 months young

I love love love her. 
She is the happiest baby. Ever. 
Which makes it pretty easy to be her mother.

Gets on her hands (but not up on her knees) and swivels/scoots around.
Swirls her feet and hands in circles when she's super excited or really upset.
Usually sleeps on her tummy.

Likes most baby food unless it's too sweet (peaches, mango) so I have to add lots of cereal to it. And gags with peas just like her sister did.
Eats anything you're eating.

Talks a lot and says "dadadadaaaa!", "babababababaaaa!", and mostly "mamamamamamaaaa!" when she's sad or upset.
Will literally pull my shirt out and dive bomb her head down if she wants to nurse. Doesn't worry about being in public either...

LOVES her sister. I'll tell Charlotte to "babysit" her while I shower or do laundry and find the two of them giggling and playing.

I honestly get so excited to pick her up from the daycare at the gym every morning. I get excited to get her after naps or if a friend watches her for me.
I love that when you hold her she puts one arm around your shoulder.

She still lets anyone hold her happily but if I'm around reaches for me 😊
If Ben's home she'll reach back and forth between us. Such a tease.

I now have two tiny best girlfriends and I love it!
Two thirds of the way down til one year old. Not ready. 😥
Slow down, Jane, and stop growing up! I'm already picturing you moving out for college and need some Xanax!