This little peanut is seven months old today. She is utter perfection. I love both my children equally, but Jane is the one that makes me want three more.
She's very predictable. I've never looked at her fussing and felt bewildered at what the problem is. She's either sleepy, hungry, or doesn't want to be alone.
Jane sits all by herself and is pretty good at righting herself if she starts to tip. Is not close to crawling but does swivel her body around.
Babbles by saying "babababa" and "mamamama".
Fusses by whining with her mouth closed and blowing raspberries angrily. You know she's really ticked and you've waited too long to appease her if an infant cry actually comes out.
Sleeps 11-12 straight hours. Hallelujah.
Is still huge. She does wear 6-12 mth clothes but I stood her next to an average-sized one year old today and they were the same height.
Is the happiest baby I've ever met. Will smile and coo for anyone. We got her 6 mth pictures taken awhile back and were done in 15 min because she smiled through 150 shots.
Loves loves loves her Sophie giraffe.
Got her first tooth a week ago.
Feels "eh" about baby food but wants what you're eating.
Gives wonderful open mouthed kisses but not too slobbery.
Is honestly the loveliest little thing you've ever met. I love her so much it hurts.