Preschool is expensive.
I never really realized that until this year when I looked into it.
Last year we did a Mom School with 5 other kiddos and Charlotte was only 2 and quite a bit younger than the others, but she did really well. She's pretty smart and mature for her age.
I knew I wanted to get her into something this school year.
I wanted her to continue learning and have a good social experience.
Plus having her out of the house so I could have some one-on-one time with Jane was a bonus.
Back in April my friend told me about our school district opening up their preschool to include 3 year olds.
And it was free.
Well, $100 for the whole year to help with supplies.
The only drawback was that it's 5 days a week.
So I wasn't going to do it. Then I was. Then I wasn't.
I debated with myself until I remembered that I drop her off at the gym's daycare 4-5 times a week for an hour and a half already.
Why not drop her off somewhere she'll learn something and have more fun?
So I signed her up.
She was SOOOO excited. All summer we talked about it as we passed her school (which is 2 blocks from our house).
She went to their hour long screening and her teacher said she was more than ready for school.
I liked the school.
I liked her teacher.
So we were all happy.
Breakfast of champions: oatmeal with blueberries.
She'd eat this every morning if she could.
Soooo excited!
(thank you, Mom, for her first day of school outfit)
Ben was home that morning so we walked her together.
I was already tearing up and Charlotte was chatty and excited the whole way.
Finding her line.
She wasn't nervous or sad or hesitant.
There were a few children screaming and bawling with their parents and she looked at them like, "Dude, what's your deal?"
Then I started to cry. It was a little embarrassing.
No other parent looked like they were having a problem.
Then I remembered I was less than 2 wks post-partum so tears were okay, but I still walked away to not embarrass myself further.
Watching her teacher as she tried to calm a very sad kiddo.
And that was it.
She walked in line into her school without glancing at us at all.
Now we are two weeks into it and she still loves it.
Later that day Ben took her to an ophthalmologist.
She failed her eye screen at school and at her doctor's visit.
Apparently they were adorable with her and she was a stud throughout the hour long exam.
Her eyesight is a little off, but not bad enough to have glasses.
At least not for awhile.
P.S. - Jane is getting smiley.
Legitimate smiles.
She's going to be a heartbreaker.