Thursday, October 10, 2013

Two Months Young

How has it already been 2 months?!!

 Wanting to stretch out to show you how loooong and strong she is.

 Not the best time of day to get some photos (also the lighting sucks). 
Definitely not "happy go lucky" as her shirt states.
5 minutes after this she was in her crib taking a much needed nap.

 Charlotte wanted to get in on the action, but Jane was beyond done.

And lovely little Charlotte.
Holding her dolly she got when she was born next to Jane's matching doll.
 Gosh, I love this kid.

Jane at 2 months:

- Is a delight. Goes with the flow and sleeps when you're out and about and needing to get things done (minus last week when we went to Costco and she screamed bloody murder from hunger and then blew out all the way up her back... not cool...)
- Goes to bed around the same time I do: 10/10:30 and wakes up once to eat then usually sleeps til 8.
- Moved up into her 3-6 month clothes which we have A LOT of.
- Wears size 1-2 Costco diapers (they don't have a size 2 for some reason).
- Hates getting into the Baby Bjorn then always immediately falls asleep or looks around at the leaves once we're walking.
- Takes most of her naps in her crib. This week we're moving her in there full time at night.
- Started smiling easily and constantly around week 6.
- At week 8 started cooing and gurgling. LOVE IT. It started while she was in her swing and Charlotte leaned over to talk to her. They had a very long conversation that was just between sisters. 
- Still loves the swing.
- Is still "eh" about her playmat, although she has swatted at the hanging toys a handful of times.
- Had her first bout of baby acne a few weeks ago. It's slooooowly going away.
- Gets heat rashes easily.
- Holds her head and back up pretty well when you hold her. 
- Detests tummy time.
- Can still be calmed down while in her car seat by swinging her back and forth.
- Has visited Wisconsin and Minnesota.
- Does not like to eat for a good 20-30 minutes after she wakes up in the morning. She'd rather you just lie next to her and talk. She just smiles and smiles.

As you can tell, we're pretty in love with her. I'm so glad that the transition from 1 to 2 kids was easy. I think falling in love with her so quickly helped smooth out the difficulties. Charlotte has adjusted well and doesn't get jealous. Ben has done a really good job of doing one on one activities and outings with just her. She also LOVES preschool which she goes to every morning.

It definitely feels like Jane was meant for just our family. She fits in perfectly. 
We love love love the little nugget.


Caitie said...

I love your family! :)

Eli and Krista said...

She's such a darling! I'm glad things are still so smooth - what a blessing! And how lucky that she only wakes up once a night!! I can scarcely believe that such a 2-month old exists. Give her a kiss from me :)

Coleman Family said...

I miss you guys. Jane's a keeper for sure....and Charlotte ;)

Unknown said...

Can't wait to meet this little jewel of yours! Got the adorable announcement in the mail it and so glad you are enjoying her to bits <3